>>46940163This checks out because Masuda has always been a groveling little gremlin that was deathly fearful of Pokémon becoming irrelevant as far back as Gen 3, even developing stomach flu as a result of stress. Every single time he has only just been following the latest fads or finding new ways to appeal to the lowest common denominator. He probably ordered Ohmori to rip off Yokai Watch as much as possible for Gen 7 because he legit probably felt threatened by the early rise of Yokai Watch in Japan.
And it's still going on. He probably saw all the normalfags online harping on about how cool it would be if Pokemon finally went open world, spamming all those mock up pics of Red running across an empty field with Pikachu and Gyrados/Arcanine in the distance, and finally decided to move Game Freak closwr to Nintendo HQ in an attempt to willingly partner up with Monolith Soft, in order to make Legends which, is pretry much just a BotW clone with Pokemon slapped onto it. If what everything shown so far is alluding to and checks out, Legends will probably be another boring empty overworld with lots of chores to do. Game Freak can't even nail down a simple railroaded 3D RPG, what makes people think they can even BEGIN to tackle open world properly? Fuck's sake not even Nintendo could do it properly and they've been making games for 30+ straight years.