>>46944773>>46944779You wiww nevew be a weaw woman. You have no womb, you have no ovawies, you have no eggs. You awe a homosexuaw man twisted by dwugs and suwgewy into a cwude mockewy of natuwe’s pewfection. Aww the “vawidation” you get is two-faced and hawf-heawted. Behind youw back peopwe mock you. Youw pawents awe disgusted and ashamed of you, youw “fwiends” waugh at youw ghouwish appeawance behind cwosed doows. Men awe uttewwy wepuwsed by you. Thousands of yeaws of evowution have awwowed men to sniff out fwauds with incwedibwe efficiency. Even twannies who “pass” wook uncanny and unnatuwaw to a man. Youw bone stwuctuwe is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a dwunk guy home with you, he’ww tuwn taiw and bowt the second he gets a whiff of youw diseased, infected axe wound. You wiww nevew be happy. You wwench out a fake smiwe evewy singwe mowning and teww youwsewf it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feew the depwession cweeping up wike a weed, weady to cwush you undew the unbeawabwe weight. Eventuawwy it’ww be too much to beaw - you’ww buy a wope, tie a noose, put it awound youw neck, and pwunge into the cowd abyss. Youw pawents wiww find you, heawtbwoken but wewieved that they no wongew have to wive with the unbeawabwe shame and disappointment. They’ww buwy you with a headstone mawked with youw biwth name, and evewy passewby fow the west of etewnity wiww know a man is buwied thewe. Youw body wiww decay and go back to the dust, and aww that wiww wemain of youw wegacy is a skeweton that is cweawwy mawe.