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No.46946491 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think in all the discussion about the art style for the future Black/White remakes, we’re all forgetting what the best part is gonna be and it’s hands down Team Plasma.

Just imagine Ghetsis and his cold dead eyes in Chibi form. Go ahead, I dare you. I dare you to imagine his long winded psychopathic rants about wanting to wanting to rule the world... coming out of a Chibi man with COLD DEAD EYES.

Calling it now: Chibi Ghetsis is gonna be the big meme upon the BW remakes release. Da internetz is not ready.

>Chibi Ghetsis: I manipulated N all along! Now I will use Kyurem to freeze you--WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

>Me: Yes yes you're very evil sweetie. Time for a nap!

>*Me puts Chibi Ghetsis back in his crib*

>Chibi Ghetsis: Release me from this prison! Naptime will not stop me from ruling all of Un--

>*Me gives Chibi Ghetsis a baby bottle*

>Chibi Ghetsis: ....ok...baba first. Then nap. Then I will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!