[27 / 7 / ?]
>Swish, swish! Ha ha! Like a sword in the air! Swwwish! Swishhssh! >Swooshie! Daahaa like a slushy, swooshie! >Shhshwwsh, like aaa tch tch tch swooshie! >SwoShi, like wishiwashi! Ha ha! Gens 6-8, especially 8, are the best! >You know what, I'm fed up with not saying my view due to the backlash we get for saying it.Pokémon Sword & Shield are my favourite and, in my eyes, the best Pokémon games. The region is fantastic, the characters are the most well realised, the new Pokémon designs are top tier. The battle system is the best it has ever been. The soundtrack is great. There's just so much soul and joy imbued throughout the game. They have flaws, but screw it, they're my favourite. I've not played a Pokémon game for fun this much outside of Serebii coverage in my life.
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>>46947737 take your meds schizo
>>46947737 Remember when adult men behaved like adults? What happened to humanity for us to sink so low and have redditors/normies which make like 70% of humanity unironically make consuming their identity.
>>46947772 Shut up. You are a genwunner. You aren't a fan. I got so angry at this post I punched my wall. You caused this.
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Hoo hoooo! Swaaahhshhiii! Swish swish swoosh! Ssshwwhshsh! Ha ha! Sllloshi! Swashie! Swishy! Swor Shee!
>>46947737 >The soundtrack is great. Does anyone genuinely believe this?
>>46947805 My favorite tweet
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>>46947873 That's a copy/pasted statement from Joe Merrick's twitter
>>46947873 Either you cunts all have degrees in advance musical theory as well as savant-level instrument skills or this is yet more shitposting from retarded manchildren desperately attempting to meme the games into the worst thing ever, because I honestly don't understand the issues people claim to have with it.
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>>46947994 >You need a degree to recognize whether or not music is bad Anonymous
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Swoosh! Swishy! Swishshowshswoshy!
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>>46947737 I can’t tell if this is better or worse than the assblasted slurpee anon
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>>46947772 And the other 30% makes NOT consuming their identity. Being different doesn't make you better.
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>>46947994 Most of the music in swsh isn't memorable and it doesnt have a lasting impression
Also swsh has the worst trainer battle theme in the series and its the song you hear the most in the game
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>Remember when adult men behaved like adults? What happened to humanity for us to sink so low and have redditors/normies which make like 70% of humanity unironically make consuming their identity.
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>Swoosh! Swishy! Swishshowshswoshy!
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>>46947772 holy shit the state of charizard cucks
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>>46947737 Holy fuck, are you this insecure to the point you made ANOTHER fucking post like this?
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>>46947805 >"I punched my wall over someone mocking [product] because I'm a mental midget that believes [brand] is my friend." >"Somehow this is YOUR fault." Anonymous
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>>46947737 >soijak kill yourself
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>>46947994 Even though I thought Sword and Shield seemed like shit and refused to touch them, I had high expectations for the music because Pokémon music has never let me down. The Gym Leader theme (minus the chanting which is kind of artificial) may be my favorite Gym Leader theme in the series. Slumbering Weald is really good until the MIDI howling. Then I heard Bede's theme and it's a fucking mess. It just sounds like a bunch of things happening with no rhyme or reason. His actual encounter theme is much better and gives me an impression of who he is. But there were so many tracks that just blare at you or use this ugly metallic clangy soundfont. Overall I found it lacking, and even though some tracks had Pokémon elements to it, the overall execution brought them down.
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>>46947880 Based Dogeposter
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>>46947737 Jokes on you, I never played that game faggot