Here's a fun fact for you all that you don't want to admit. Camera control is a hardware limitation. Ideally, the game would show you what it needs to at any point, and in fact the vast majority of games up until Super Mario 64 did just that (we can probably think of a few exceptions. Unfortunately, video games weren't at that point in the late 90's, so they had to put that burden on you. It's just another pointless thing you have to manage, it's like menu useage in many games (which is why so many have some sort of quick switch, even Pokemon let you register at least one key item since pretty much the beginning). Heck, I could argue that menus are entirely a limitation of the input method you're given, you only have so many buttons. There's a reason some PC games have a million hot keys. So before you talk shit about hardware limitations, understand what that really means.