>>46990014Linguistic quirk.
For all of the things that ARE regularly renamed, toponyms or place names (and animals) are renamed very infrequently, and when it does happen, it is almost always under the same circumstances that would get a thing renamed anyways, like a great general dying there or some shit, or iconoclasm, where things get renamed deliberately to replace and supplant culture, which is done more rarely than you might think, since most conquerors just don't bother. Most places in the world, this happened so long ago that the word itself became subject to whatever other linguistic shifts the new owners did, and so blends in; America is just a ton of land that was conquered relatively recently, so the tons and tons of native names for things remain intact (or, things renamed by Spanish influence before these groups were re-conquered, as Spain WAS one of the very rare cases where a group systematically went through and renamed toponyms or places for little reason, because they were fucking committed to making them good Christians, if nothing else, though there is overlap between things actively renamed by the Spanish themselves, and things the natives translated into Spanish themselves.)