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No.47029936 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Snap is no longer aided by the nostalgia novelty and it's now seen as the mediocre rail shooter it always was.
>Mystery Dungeon is just a generic Dungeon Crawler in Pokemon's cloth
>Ranger is just a Touchscreen gimmick game that wears off in fun factor after 5 minutes for anyone that isn't an autist
>Stadium/Colosseum/BR are only praised nowadays because of Blastoise using his canons instead of his head to shoot water, otherwise they're slow and shitty battle simulators
>Ecksdee is Colo's slow and shitty battle simulator gameplay but with a shitty SP campaign slapped onto it.
>Rumble is a glorified button masher.
>Pokken was an overhyped mess that ended up with a braindead gameplay and pitful roster
>Detective Pikachu is a souless Layton clone
Can we just admit that the spinoffs (besides GO and maybe the Gameboy TCG games) were never good ethier as standalone games or pokemon games?