Quoted By:
>the virgin smogonfag
- Insecure
- Has no life outside of Pokemon
- Tiny dick
- Sprites are invisible to him, only sees numbers & data
- Team consists of weird, ugly, autistic-looking creatures
- Gets angry when his opponent uses non-competitive, unorthodox moves or Pokemon
- "post elo faggot"
- "Why do you use X, use Y instead!
- is a degenerate coomer without self-control
- Pretends he doesn't know anything about Pokémon irl because he's scared they will laugh
>the CHAD karenbro
- Uses whatever he thinks looks cool
- Has a life outside of Pokemon
- Cherishes the journey and bonds with his bros
- Aesthetically pleasing team
- Congratulates opponent if loses
- chose Charmander in Kanto, Chikorita in Johto
- Team composition and movepools are full of SOVL
- Is into semen retention/no fap, constantly chased by girls
- Can casually say he plays Pokémon without coming across as cringe, creepy or awkward