Nice thread you got here. You sure showed me, coming up with something *truly* original and using my post as the OP. It'd be a shame, however, if someone happened on your body floating face-down in the Bagon room, barely identifiable from the decomposition and water-types nibbling at it. Your neck split open like a Pokéball. Traces of semen in your torn rectum, too, not just my own. I left my admission of guilt on a note in your front pocket, but it had sat for so long the ink ran it illegible. But it's OK, I told myself I'd go to the police anyway after a week had passed. I held on to all the pictures so there's no doubt I was the criminal. Tearfully, I released all of my Pokémon and gave my dex to my little brother. He was 33 with a family of his own, so he really didn't see the point of it. The final step is disassociating from the higher powers, for me to be recognized as the sole mastermind behind this passionate display of psychosis. I went to the police and detonated an Electrode on the western side of the building. Death, chaos, justice, maximum sentence. Hoenn doesn't believe in the death penalty, so I will rot in my cell for the remainder of my existence, enlightening all those who dare to be curious enough as to how to create something *truly* original...