>>47070524It's called Toxapex, and it's the most busted piece of shit ever made.
It has better defensive stats than Shield Forme Aegislash.
Its typing gives it an immunity to poisoning as well as 8 resistances, and all 3 of its weaknesses have a type immune to them so it can easily switch out on a predicted super effective attack.
It has the ability Regenerator, which heals 1/3 of its max HP whenever it switches out. So the defensive play of switching out not only protects it from dying, but also heals it for free. Less than free, really.
It has Recover so it can heal without switching.
It has Haze in case you try to take advantage of its passivity to set up.
It has Scald so you can't safely switch in a physical attacker without risking getting crippled for the rest of the battle.
It has Knock Off so you can't safely switch in anything else without risking getting crippled for the rest of the battle.
And it has not one (1), not two (2), but three (3) separate ways to poison you. Toxic, to do it the old fashioned way. Toxic spikes, to punish you for having the nerve to switch (only Pex is allowed to do that, obviously). And Baneful Bunker, so it can poison you while also protecting itself and munching on its Black Sludge. Pick your poison, literally in this case.
Toxapex is the single most busted stallmon to ever exist. It has everything a stallmon could ever want, and if a GF employee came out and said that Toxapex was made intentionally to sabotage 6v6 singles, I'd believe it.