170/125 seems really too much. I'll pretend megas are back, and unchanged, to compare.
Mega Houndoom still has exploitable weaknesses in the lack of special priority.
>Mega Lop has 135 speed and can ohko with hjk>Conkeldurr would become more popular as a check due to mach punch>252 SpA Alakazam-Mega Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Houndoom-Mega: 356-420 (122.3 - 144.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO>Being really fair here I think this anon here is daydreaming
>>47106953Cinderace is useless unless it's running a scarf. It doesn't outspeed this mega houndoom at all.
Fini can stomach a single sludge bomb, but can't do it if Houndoom used a turn to setup which seems perfectly possible considering how much threat it's generating with those "updated" stats.
>252 SpA Adaptability Houndoom-Mega Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-Therian: 352-416 (92.1 - 108.9%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKOWith rocks up it's pretty much a formality calc.
>>47103470Your calcs are assuming those stats with specs, this isn't really helpful unless megas became a extension of the evolution chain.
While I believe this monster should be quickbanned the fact is that houndoom's movepool is kinda bad. It also is weak to stealth rocks whick makes it crumble to most strong neutral priority, not even naming super effective priority.
Most likely would have the melmetal treatment, a quickban and a retest later.