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61KiB, 768x256, gallery-1464557120-pokemon-gold-silver-crystal.jpg
Quoted By: >>47108362 >>47108401 >>47108465 >>47108526 >>47109429 >>47109984
1.) The Pokemon suck. The new Pokemon introduced are bad. Looking at the Gen 2 Pokemon and their stats; all of them are either too weak, too slow, too low on Sp. Atk/Def, or they just flat-out suck when compared to Gen 1 Pokemon. They gave an evolution to Chansey, which if you don't remember, in Red/Blue; Chansey was the best Pokemon in the game. Why did they give an evolution to a Pokemon that was already busted?
Then there's the starter Pokemon. First of all, the stats for Cyndaquil's evolutionary line is the exact same as Charmander's evolutionary line. Second, Chikorita's design (as well as all the other Gen 2 Pokemon minus Lugia and Totodile) is hideous. I get that Chikorita and its evolutionary line are supposed to represent a flower, but that's not an excuse for a hideous design. Also, why don't the gym leaders use any gen 2 Pokemon? Most of them don't even use Pokemon from Gen 2, they use Gen 1 Pokemon. Hell, the bug type gym leader doesn't use/have any bug type Pokemon.
Then there's the starter Pokemon. First of all, the stats for Cyndaquil's evolutionary line is the exact same as Charmander's evolutionary line. Second, Chikorita's design (as well as all the other Gen 2 Pokemon minus Lugia and Totodile) is hideous. I get that Chikorita and its evolutionary line are supposed to represent a flower, but that's not an excuse for a hideous design. Also, why don't the gym leaders use any gen 2 Pokemon? Most of them don't even use Pokemon from Gen 2, they use Gen 1 Pokemon. Hell, the bug type gym leader doesn't use/have any bug type Pokemon.