>>47133949They are babies and the only crossevos. Useless in a sense, but had purpose elsewhere.
>>47133957Pikaclone prestige
>>47133959Yeah its too useless lategame, but the designs are cool
>>47133963Yes probably the only one more useless but at least its not split into 2 chime bells, the bugd are worse by sheer order of wasted spaces
>>47134027Hey now Seviper is cool plus it had the whole rivalry angle with Zangoose
>>47134094Yes they are part of the doubles filler crew of RSE BUT, they were the first Rock/Psychic type, have a unique typing to this day, have bitchin' designs and are actually relatively useful and can fight back well enough, I mean Solrock knows fucking Flamethrower among other shit, the shitmon bug couple cant even hurt the lowest level NPCs because their stats are Johto tier and are bugs, yknow the worst offensive typing imaginable
So far only chimecho remains as a contender here