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How to fix this pile of shit

No.47146901 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Don't name the main character and his rival "Red" and "Blue". Give them real names. (I'm going to refer to them as "Red" and "Blue" for the sake of convenience)
>Have the characters show more emotion, especially Professor Oak. His blank face and wooden delivery of dialogue was extremely distracting and frankly annoyed the shit out of me.
>In episode 1, Red's Charmander gets BTFO by Brock. He has to go train up a Mankey or Butterfree and come back. Red learns the value of actually *training* multiple pokemon instead of just throwing out five untrained shitmons that faint instantly then relying on Charmander for every fucking battle like a retard.
>If you're only going to make four episodes, one of them should NOT focus on Pokemon Tower. Episode 2 should center on Vermillion City and the SS Anne. Red can meet famous trainers from other regions. If you're going to shill the latest generation, THIS is the spot to do it, not shoehorning your gimmick mechanic in at the end so people don't realize they're really watching a commercial until the very end of the anime.
>In Episode 3, Red actually fights Rocket grunts in Silph Co. instead of sneaking around like a pussy, then beats Giovanni.
>Giovanni actually uses five or six Pokemon when Red challenges him in Viridian.
>Red doesn't say "I win with Charizard or it's meaningless", because that's the most insanely idiotic thing ever uttered in any show ever.
>Also, no fucking Charizard worship, period. Charizard faints in Red's battle with Giovanni and he has to use a different Pokemon.
>When Red battles Blue, Charizard cannot beat Blastoise because he is at a type disadvantage. Red has to use his brain to beat Blastoise.
>When Red confronts Mewtwo, he is afraid to use the Master Ball because it is experimental.
>Mewtwo demolishes Red's team (INCLUDING CHARIZARD)
>In desperation, Red throws the Master Ball and catches Mewtwo
>Back in Kanto, Oak says there are many more mons to catch and gives Red a ticket to Sevii Islands