>>47149571My knowledge of pokemon GO is limited to it's first months, playing with my classmates. We were more interested into flirting with the girls who were in the parks but anyway... GO is so casual that I can't think of anything good comming from it.
Melmetal is a nightmare fuel that can wall and wallbreak and requires dedicated answers that thankfully cover Rillaboom, except for slowbro that is used as a safer choice if the team is weak to physical attackers.
Typhlosion gets dig to hide I know this is really shitty but it fits the bill. It should learn Earth Power because it also learns Earthquake, just because volcano logic. And I somehow don't think that GO has more players than mainline. Current numbers don't paint the whole picture, there are a lot of people who don't like playing new gens and keep playing old games instead.
When looking at mobage numbers you shouldn't take the number of players as a absolute number because even when showing activity there is a set time period that isn't "in the last 7 days". They usually pick the most interesting number to show, that being accounts or how many accesses the game had in a set period of time. Corona also hurt GO a lot.
But i'm not saying pokemon GO is small. Not in the mood to search but I think it should have more current players than Sw/Sh has sells because there is no entry fee to play GO.
All that said I don't believe pokemons in mainline will be buffed because of their GO popularity because GO players aren't the target audience from mainline. It's pretty clear that GF doesn't give a fuck about old fans, so newer games are just to bring in the new fans around. Whatever comes with those new fans are just extra sales.
>>47150882Not with those stats. It needs another form to escape mediocrity.