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Piano music is playing and it's time to face her in the final battle. I am quite tense and excited. To my surprise, the champion's team was extremely competent and even intimidating. I was fighting a losing battle, the champion clearly had the upper hand and was cleaning the ground with me.
I had run out of Pokemon, the only one I had was Umbreon. And he was quite badly injured (his life was in yellow). The champion had two Pokemon with max health; and to top it all I had run out of healing items.
It was clear that poor Umbreon was not going to be able to overcome this challenge. I was about to close the game when I realized that it was a losing battle, but only for the lulz I decide to continue playing.
Umbreon attacked the enemy Garchomp and did some decent damage, but it was the other's turn to attack; I thought that that was it. However, Umbreon evaded the attack. I raised an eyebrow. The little boy still wanted to fight. When my turn came, I attacked again, and it was a critic! Little Umbreon took the giant Garchomp down for life. I could not believe it. Even if he lost, he had to praise the damned little one.
Now, the champion released her last Pokemon, a Milotic. I was sweating buckets but something about little Umbreon made me have faith in him. Umbreon attacked, he did decent damage. Milotic attacked my Umbreon and the attack struck full. Now I really thinked that everything was over. But not! Do you want to know what happened? It was incredible, it was worthy for the Pokemon music to play at that time. Umbreon endured the blow and was left with ONE hp to live. With only one to live! Now being my turn, again waiting for a miracle; some kind of critic or something. Unfortunately it didn't happen, but it was a decent attack. Again it was the champion's Milotic turn for attack. But my Umbreon ... that little big son of a bitch did a miracle again. He dodge the attack!
Piano music is playing and it's time to face her in the final battle. I am quite tense and excited. To my surprise, the champion's team was extremely competent and even intimidating. I was fighting a losing battle, the champion clearly had the upper hand and was cleaning the ground with me.
I had run out of Pokemon, the only one I had was Umbreon. And he was quite badly injured (his life was in yellow). The champion had two Pokemon with max health; and to top it all I had run out of healing items.
It was clear that poor Umbreon was not going to be able to overcome this challenge. I was about to close the game when I realized that it was a losing battle, but only for the lulz I decide to continue playing.
Umbreon attacked the enemy Garchomp and did some decent damage, but it was the other's turn to attack; I thought that that was it. However, Umbreon evaded the attack. I raised an eyebrow. The little boy still wanted to fight. When my turn came, I attacked again, and it was a critic! Little Umbreon took the giant Garchomp down for life. I could not believe it. Even if he lost, he had to praise the damned little one.
Now, the champion released her last Pokemon, a Milotic. I was sweating buckets but something about little Umbreon made me have faith in him. Umbreon attacked, he did decent damage. Milotic attacked my Umbreon and the attack struck full. Now I really thinked that everything was over. But not! Do you want to know what happened? It was incredible, it was worthy for the Pokemon music to play at that time. Umbreon endured the blow and was left with ONE hp to live. With only one to live! Now being my turn, again waiting for a miracle; some kind of critic or something. Unfortunately it didn't happen, but it was a decent attack. Again it was the champion's Milotic turn for attack. But my Umbreon ... that little big son of a bitch did a miracle again. He dodge the attack!