>>47185105>>gives litererally zero argumentYou barely gave on yourself. The moment you pivoted from Emboar being more animal-like to it being more beast-like in a pathetic attempt to salvage your shitty argument is the moment I decided to stop engaging with it.
>And we've already established without any counterargument that the the unova starters' themes were just tacked on after the animal was chosenNo, we haven't. Samurott is more of a samurai than an ottter through many features I've pointed out, like its battle stance, shell armor, shell swords, whiskers, etc. You only said "NUH UH". Even you recognize this with your half-hearted attempt to shift discussion on Emboar. This argument is going in circle because you refuse to budge despite clearly being wrong.
>You somehow see both a seal AND a sea lion? Yes, actually. If you knew anything about either you'd realize Popplio and Brionne show sea lion traits while Primarina shows seal traits (most noticeably in the ears and fin size+function)
>I and most other people saw the mermaid first. you saw a mermaid first, you don't know jack fucking shit about what most other people saw.
> That's a difference of fucking opinion.Yes, and yours's shit. That's the entire premise of the argument, retard.