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No.47185799 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fucking REMOVE THIS SHIT and Levitate already, it's a goddamn logistical nightmare. Literally dozens of Pokémon should logically be immune to Ground but either just aren't, or are forced to give up all their ability slots for Levitate. This is a BIG gay.

>remove levitate--whether something is airborne is an innate property some Pokémon just have now
>replace flying with wind/sky type

And yes that is actually significantly different. Sure, Flying IS the air element stand-in but by all means 85% of Flying Types just have it slapped on them because they fly. It's already treated more like a property, rather than a respectable Type in its own right. Flying has no identity, it's just a battle condition. Replacing it with Wind/Sky would mean actually treating it like its own Type/element.

Fucking Castform isn't Flying what the fuck