Anonymous 05/24/21(Mon)22:07:52 No.47192255▶
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>We can see the ip count newfag. Why are you mad tho?>> Anonymous 05/24/21(Mon)22:08:09 No.47192256▶
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>I helped :D>> Anonymous 05/24/21(Mon)22:09:24 No.47192265▶
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>> Anonymous 05/24/21(Mon)22:09:32 No.47192267▶
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6 KB
>We can see the ip count newfag. Why are you mad tho?>> Anonymous 05/24/21(Mon)22:09:42 No.47192268▶
>>47189855Show me on the doll where the big bad internet touched you
>> Anonymous 05/24/21(Mon)22:10:33 No.47192275▶
File: Basedjak Big Head Pickle Rick.png (101 KB, 453x583)
101 KB
>Show me on the doll where the big bad internet touched you>> Anonymous 05/24/21(Mon)22:14:16 No.47192289▶
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>Oh, im sorry, special snowflake. Am I being "ableist" you fucking retard? Is it too much effort to move your fat fucking ugly face a few centimeters forward, or do your 20 chins prevent that?>Again, not every piece of content on the internet has to be tailored to suit you, you fucking subhuman. If that makes you mad, kill yourself.[Post a Reply][Return] [Catalog] [Top] 147 / 73 / 44 / 1[Update] [Auto] 5
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