>>47191966To some people rape of a defenseless and mentally abused human who is significantly too young to actually have sex without serious physical and mental trauma is worse than doing the same thing to something that's completely inhuman, can't speak or even reliable communicate in any way (so it sure as fucking hell ain't consenting and isn't groomed it's just outright raped and usually physically forced to via beatings or being tied up) and incapable of understanding what's going on and why you're causing it such horrible pain and terror.
To some the human touch of the former makes it worse because you can more easily related to something that's human. To others, the latter is even more reprehensible because you literally cannot understand what they're thinking or feeling, you just know that they're traumatized, horribly and irrevocably destroyed by the actions, and due to how animal control works they have like a 90% chances to be euthanized because the abuse they suffered has caused them too much psychological damage and they've grown uncontrollable and keep hurting themselves or others by lashing out.
I'm in the latter camp; in that beastiality is just sick and wrong even if it's a cartoon and that all animal fuckers should be round up and shot. Of course pedophilia is fucking disgusting and atrocious but doing that shit to something that can never recover, usually can't get help or communicate/talk about it and in all likely hood will DIE as a result of the actions you took is just on a level of evil that I'm pretty sure hell has a special place just for people who fuck animals. Right underneath the place for people who fuck kids.