>Arenas are 9x9 grids
>you can choose where to send out your Pokémon
>their movement is limited, number of tiles per turn is determined by speed stat with influences from abilities and training
>so it is possible to use a special training method to allow something like a Snorlax to move the max number of spaces per turn at the cost of bulk
>each attack targets specific grid patterns, “Blast Zones”
>costs a tile to dodge attacks, with higher cost attacks having higher dodge costs as a drawback
>turns are conducted simultaneously, both players decide on their actions and then once they agree the turn has begun, the game sorts actions and damage using calculators based on stats
>new abilities that are triggered by other actions/consequences like low health or specific actions
So basically a more immersive DnD style to simulate live combat built on top of the turn based fundamentals, with a focus on allowing Pokémon to be so customized with individuality that they can see results even if they’re specializing in something that’s not their specialty