>>47228045It was a lone retarded anon who posted on here the night before the fake metoo thing came out, talking about how he was gonna try and get him screwed in this manner.
Everyone told him he was a retard who was just going to make the movement to bring back all the Pokemon worse and he'd be a moron for even trying.
He went ahead and did it anyway and OOPS turns out everyone else was fucking right and he did just make everything look worse because his story was so retardedly outlandish literally every single person who saw it immediately knew it was bullshit. He probably didn't kill the movement but he did do a serious blow to any credibility it had and was probably partially responsible for everyone giving up on it.
But the notion of putting bugs in one's ass is so fucking ridiculously outlandish that a lot of people on here found it kind of funny anyways so it's used as an ironic meme to poke fun at Masuda by implying that that part at least might have been true.