>>47229859In some way, shape or form, yeah it should be acknowledged/canonized. Missingno deserves more recognition now that it's had its time as a mystery. People who were around to experience the mystery of Missingno know about how Missingno works now and newer fans aren't going to see the value in it at this point. Pokemon's not above this sort of thing now with like how Rotom glitched the sirfetch'd reveal. There's nothing left to lose.
The easy/lazy way to introduce missingno would be to lean harder into the AU angle they already went with ORAS and Gen 7, since AUs make everything possible. However, I would canonize missingno a little differently(and in the games specifically since that's where it originates from), working in the sinnoh creation myth.
>"In the beginning, there was only a churning turmoil of chaos.At the heart of chaos, where all things became one, appeared an Egg."
The "chaos" in question could be Missingno. This accurately describes the nature of glitches(which are defined by defying a pre-existing order) in a way that translates to in-universe terminology. Missingno is an entity of chaos that defies description and deals exclusively in impossibilities, as this is the only way something could exist before the beginning or without being created by Arceus. Lore aside, I would make it an uncatchable boss pokemon despite technically being catchable in gen 1 because poke balls aren't able to catch everything(they have a way of distinguishing between catchable and uncatchable), so it wouldn't catch something it can't categorize as catchable.
>>47231372Missingno itself technically isn't a mistake. The game has space for more than 151 pokemon and Missingno itself is just what the devs put into every slot above 151 they could fit. It's a failsafe of sorts and the glitches that require missingno's failsafe are the mistakes. A modern equivalent is when the game gives you a shiny bulbasaur when it doesn't recognize a pokemon.