>>47245471>animeoh no my point sure was proven wrong! not like the anime has a bunch of inconsistencies with the games or anything! My whole argument destroyed by facts and logic! 3 of the female side characters have a female starter pokemon so it must be fact! the anime has venustoise, what ever celebi turned into in 4ever, corrupted groudon, blue orb pikachu, multiple legendary pokemon with no "ultra space time hole" explanations, ash never remembers past pokemon he's seen or when he does it's very selective, deoxys mind control, talking pokemon, pokemon learning illegal moves, pokemon that turn into human girls, pokemon height and sizes being out of wack(tentacrule)
>dexThe pokedex are entries made by the character you play as, a child, thats why you are sent out to complete the dex. thats why dex entries change in between games and are never consistent as well.
>tldrthe anime and pokedex entries are batshit bonkers and are not consistent with the games