>>47252229Some people consider nonbinary to be transgender, since it still deviates from the gender you were determined at birth. For some others, it could mean because they present in the gender opposite to the one they were determined at birth, and maybe are on hormones and/or had surgery, but also feel an otherness and/or an in-between-ness (if that makes sense).
The whole point is that it's an individual journey, it's vague and there's basically as many feelings of gender as there are people (don't believe the "gender lists" that go around, they're bullshit made by tumblerites who don't get nuance). Like, what makes you feel you're a dude might be different from what some other guy feels (imagine if one day you woke up without geniatila, would you still think you're a guy ? or sexless ? different people could have different answers).
It's just about how people think of themselves. Some harcore SJWs make it way bigger of a deal than it is, there'll always be people who are angy on the internet, but there also plenty or reasonnable people. It's really not a big deal, it's basically just a philisophy some people have, and it's honestly simpler to just accept it and be open minded, even if you fuck things up sometimes, than be a stubborn edgelord like many people on here.