>>47263306>blame the switch's success for introducing many casual gamers to nintendo franchisesWii did it first though kid. Funny, didn't see any you retards crying 15 years ago over this shit, but suddenly Ninty not trying to compete with the memeboxes, aside from pricing their shit in line with them's rotted retards' brains to the point they screech they're bad, because they still make video game systems while the other two make "home entertainment systems". Well, Nintendo ARENN'T a conglomerate, never cared what the rest of the electronics industry was doing, unless it pertained to what they were doing exactly (they got Sony started in the hardware video economy after all).
Never mind the fact they've been conditioned to think a video games system NEEDS any the shit the other two have been enforcing on people (and being spied on 24/7 to boot) whereas Nintendo don't CARE if you run your entire audio/visual life through their shit, as long as you play their games as part of your entertainment options. Hell, even the oldfags I've seen online talking, the right boomer fucks like me who've just gotten back into gaming/Nintendo through the Switch love the fucking thing, mentioning how it takes them back to their childhood (I didn't escape that wrap back either, matter of fact). Nah, thee ones crying online today are EXACTLY who they're being painted as, because they're the ones too thick to understand Nintendo don't need or want to run with the memeboxes, buy their games. maybe if they didn't want to be charged memebox prices, they shouldn't have eaten up the memeboxes and what they brought to the table. All the complaints against the industry were due to western practices and drones endorsing them.