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No.47268207 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can't think of any starter line more pathetic than the Typhlosion line. Fans of it deluded themselves into thinking their fat eclair is an underrated gem. But it never had any setup moves, and its signature move eruption needs full health to work in a meta full of stealth rocks. Going to use Flare Blitz? Nice no recovery. Extrasensory on Toxapex? Toxic that shit.
Feraligatr fans can take quiet pride in their sheer force monster, and Meganium fans always knew it was shit but stuck with it anyway and get rewarded with stuff like being the poster child of Snap.
What do Typho fans get? An ATB spinoff, and maybe if you're lucky a 10 point stat buff, but then you get fairweather fans that insist they've always liked the shitty fat eclair.
Even when Typho fans want to make it look cool by shitting on the Weezing line, they fail.
Weezing is iconic, everyone knows Weezing, while Typhlosion has shown up less than Jynx in the anime. Weezing was great to use in RBY and Stadium because unlike Typho Weezing has always had a diverse movepool, getting moves like flamethrower. Weezing has gotten better every generation, getting levitate and actually being more competitively useful than Typho. And it even got a Galarian form.