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No.47273214 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i never touched SwSh. Probably wont pick up any of the switch games to be frank with ya.
the games so far that have dropped on the switch have been super disappointing. not having all the pokemon is important, its the best nintendo console to date and you're telling me they couldn't "fit" all the mons on there? fucking 3ds was able to hold around that many + megas, and I fucking hate megas.
BDSM just aren't for me. they are just 3d upscaled versions of the originals but it looks incredibly unpolished. I get that shit changes with development and the trailer that was shown isn't final but the models and lighting looks so sloppy and just bad, you're telling me those are being released this year? the same year they were revealed? that's a bit dicey. ya know more power to you for enjoying these but man i didn't wait over 10 years for "this".
Legends has some hope but damn early 2022 release just seems way too early. i don't know how far along that reveal trailer was but it did not look anywhere close to finalized. 25 years of pokemon leads to 3 questionable games. happy 25th pokemon