>>47291149My idea was a new type of 'fusion evolution', where instead of the fusions being some deviantart-tier hybrid, the fusions instead were based around two Pokemon species developing a symbiotic relationship that merges them into one being.
This already exists in the form of Slowpoke+Shellder, Mantyke+Remoraid and kinda Karrablast/Shelmet. All you'd need to do is fix the evolution methods so it consumes both Pokemon (instead of leaving Remoraid in the party as it does now), and expand the concept to a bunch more Pokemon. Throw in some added conditions (like maybe some new Camp/Amie minigame where the Pokemon have a friendship value with each other that needs to be maxed), and I think it fits Pokemon's setting and ecosystem a lot better.
Some ideas I thought up
>A Farfetch'd that carries a Honedge>A Kingler that carries a Pincurchin around for defense (this is a real thing crabs do with poisonous urchins)>A Mareanie that lets a Goldeen live inside it, like clown fish/anemone, which protects the Goldeen and lets Mareanie take advantage of Goldeen's Lightningrod to protect itself from Electric moves>A Spiritomb that uses a Geodude instead of it's Key Stone Stuff like that, you can base a lot of them on real interactions in nature, and make up some that only exist in Pokemon