>>47303222There's a game called "Among Us" where players play as miniature stylized astronauts (called "Crewmates") trying to accomplish a set of tasks and win the game
One or Two players are "Imposters"; fake astronauts who's job is to sabotage the mission by murdering everyone else. They have exclusive abilities such as jumping in vents or causing meltdowns that interrupt tasks at hand. No one knows who these Imposters are except for other Imposters.
At any time, players can report and start a conversation to try and vote someone out as the "Imposter". This causes the voted player to be thrown out the airlock and killed. However, Imposters can also vote and discuss with the other players. This means that Imposters will be lying through their teeth and misleading people, trying to convince them that an innocent individual is actually the Imposter so that the crewmates will murder someone on their side instead. It's up to the Crewmates to get evidence to tell who's lying and who's not in order to attempt to figure out who the REAL Imposter is; then try to convince everyone else to vote them out.
Crewmates win if all tasks are completed or all Imposters are voted out. Imposters win if everyone dies or there's a same number of Imposters as there are Crewmates.
Behavior that is considered as evidence to be used to prove someone else is an Imposter is called "Suspicious Behavior", or "Acting Suspicious". This is usually abbreviated to "sus" so you don't have to type the whole thing out.
However because sus is inherently a funny word it just makes the (already hilarious and ridiculous) game even funnier because it's just a bunch of pills with legs screaming over who's the most sus or not; and more often then not people are such gullible idiots that they're just go with the first accusation made even if it's blatantly retarded or obviously false (usually exploited by an Imposter) and call someone sus over mundane shit and kill them when they were completely innocent