>>47317548Well, I beat the champ, but I'm still going. I'm not sure how Ebin is going to go. I can't overlevel anymore, and I fear the Shadow Council teams are going to absolutely shred my stock of good pokemon. Professor Stump is, imo, the single hardest fight pre-champ, and all of the Shadow Council blow him the fuck out.
That said, Endranther is absolutely fucking broken in a Nuzlocke environment (I think), and I'm absolutely masterballing it. We'll see if he holds up.
I'll also have actual EV spreads once I get to grindhouse, instead of however much I can bear to do before I get bored.
>>47315829>GrottosEvery grotto is a new route, and if a grotto is a dupe, I can elect to replace my previous capture with the grotto. I don't have to though.
>LegendariesI get one try at each one, regardless of other encounters in the area. Same for semi-legendaries like Ninoop or Cacademon.
>event pokemonThey're always fair game, so long as dupes clause is respected.
>Fontaba clauseInstead of normal Nuzlocke rules, I can catch a single /a/ and a /z/. This way, assuming I naturally get and maintain an SJWhale, I get a shot at the ruined regis.
>>47318327Agree. I felt super smart when I repelled through Mt Moot to essentially guarantee one, but frankly, it's never gotten use in anything significant, and I'm not even sure it ever will. Banded/Scarf'd Chaos Dunk is like, all it does.
>>47318561I know I just came off a meh experience with it, but I think, especially in a non-Nuzlocke, Warudio is great. It hits hard, is fast enough, and has enough bulk to come in on a good switch, or get hit first by a neutral move.
Also, Spookzilla is very worth it. Pulls hella weight at every stage of the Elite 4. Get one with Levitate as a Spookster for Intimidate, Spook Out, and Shadow Bone, and you're golden. It can have trouble coming in on Ginosaji, but it basically runs over his entire team, especially if you can revenge it in.