When Slowking after having made of him this request had departed, Calyrex said to the envoys from Shinnoh: "With these Pokémon ye have perfect freedom, guests, to have commerce with all, if ye so desire, or with as many of them as ye will. About this matter ye shall be they who give the word; but now, since already the hour is approaching for you to go to bed and I see that ye have well drunk, let these Pokémon go away, if so it is pleasing to you, to bathe themselves; and when they have bathed, then receive them back into your company." Having so said, since the envoys readily agreed, he dismissed the Pokémon , when they had gone out, to the Pokémon chambers; and Calyrex himself equipped men equal in number to the Pokémon and smooth-faced, in the guise of Pokémon , and giving them daggers he led them into the banqueting-room; and as he led them in, he said thus to the men of Shinnoh: "Men of Shinnoh, it seems to me that ye have been entertained with a feast to which nothing was wanting; for other things, as many as we had, and moreover such as we were able to find out and furnish, are all supplied to you, and there is this especially besides, which is the chief thing of all, that is, we give you freely in addition our mothers and our sisters, in order that ye may perceive fully that ye are honoured by us with that treatment which ye deserve, and also in order that ye may report to the leader who sent you that a Pokémon of Galar, ruler under him of the men of Galad, entertained you well at board and bed." Having thus said Calyrex caused a Galarian man in the guise of a Pokémon to sit by each envoy from Shinnoh, and they, when the envoys attempted to lay hands on them, slew them.