trying Radical Red's new 'hardcore mode'
the pre-Cerulean segment fucking sucks and I almost dropped it entirely, but now I'm past Mt Moon the game should get a lot more fun - Audinos are available to level much easier, Pokemon start evolving so I'm not stuck with shitmons, and the move tutor is here so I can get decent movesets
normally even in difficulty hacks I tend to just use shit I like and build a team around them, but if this hack is gonna bullshit me I'm gonna bullshit it right back
I've collected up all the most broken encounters possible at this stage of the game, with a few more in the box too (Granbull, Swellow, Ninjask, Gyarados and Hitmontop most notably). Let's see if the difficulty suddenly plummets
>>47335526that's what makes Ludicolo so based in romhacks, most Water coverage is just slapping Ice Beam on things so they can't handle it at all. It even gets to use Swift Swim against them
come to think of it, I could get one myself right now