>>47355982This is ironic: even if I knew pokemon since their release (I used to collect toys, vhs, cards and every sort of merchandise), I actually got my first game with my fisrt console, ruby on the gba sp. I never had problems with missing mons, because Hoenn was not Kanto, so for me it was normal that certain pokemon are from certain region, in fact dexit was not a deal at all. Graphically speaking, for me it was normal looking, because (read carefully) I didn't knew anything except pokemon. Years later, I got a ps2, and that changed everything. Pokemon wasnt gorgeus like those console games, and the reason was easy: the ps2 was more porwerful than my handheld console. Pokemon strenght was inside the fun and the creature they have. But now we have Dragon Quest XI Botw, Dark Souls, DOOM, Mario Odyssey and other good titles on the same console of pokemon. And they are miles way better than swsh in every coner, contentwise, graphically and storywise. Hell, swsh cannot stand even against usum, that is embarassing.
And now look at you. Ruby and sapphire gave to the series a lot of staples and improvements, so you are talking with a filter on your eyes (you are right about postgame tho). You should have stopped on gen2, but you are still here, coping for 20 years.