>>47353117Was meant to be a Top 50 then I accidentally went over so it’s rounded to 60. I’m never doing one of these again without turning NFEs off though
>>47353117First game, or first game that really struck with you, was a Hoenn one. You don’t hate NuGens but you have no love for them either. I feel like you’re probably quite a normal person but geeky.
>>47353163Virgin vore deviant or Chad exotic pet keeper. Either way you’re a bit weird and you don’t care that others think you are, but it’s either in a creepy or cool way.
>>47353220You’re a twink but also homophobic in secret. Even if you are gay, you are still secretly homophobic and you enjoy it. Maybe even racist.
>>47353292Fucking hates NuGens but still faps to the porn sometimes. A deviant but not a true coomer, likes the vibes of the older games.
>>47353381You also dislike the NuGens, but in a more normie way. You’ve tried to fap to Poképorn and it worked but it’s not really your thing.
>>47353436Weirdo who still likes rage comics, but good at heart. A bit impish and shy.
>>47353500You were a bit weird in high school, but have a loyal small group of friends. You weren’t intensely bullied but this also means you didn’t get ‘corrected’.
>>47353516Actually wholesome or a fucking deviant
>>47353552Autistic and artsy
Tell me how I did!