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>recent successes
I posted about the Porygon, Rowlet and Grookey last week, but I got Wartortle earlier this week, and Xurkitree earlier tonight aftet a million hunts in DA.
I also got a shit ton of Gible and a Clamperl in GO, but I don't Think those count
>current hunts
I still need to finish Fini and Heatran, but I want a non Xurkitree or Kartana UB to work on next as well, or maybe Solgaleo.
In terms of breeding I may go for Mudkip or Togedemaru next but honestly I may take a break for MonHun this weekend since I was successful with Xurkitree
I posted about the Porygon, Rowlet and Grookey last week, but I got Wartortle earlier this week, and Xurkitree earlier tonight aftet a million hunts in DA.
I also got a shit ton of Gible and a Clamperl in GO, but I don't Think those count
>current hunts
I still need to finish Fini and Heatran, but I want a non Xurkitree or Kartana UB to work on next as well, or maybe Solgaleo.
In terms of breeding I may go for Mudkip or Togedemaru next but honestly I may take a break for MonHun this weekend since I was successful with Xurkitree