>>47372093Yes, because TPC doesn't need to worry how TPC portrays the brand to Japan. They DO need to concern themselves with how the filthy gaijin portrays it to the other filthy gaijin, hence why they collaborated with translators to write a TPC-approved guide for TPCi to hand out to EVERY gaijin fuckwit who wants toi make money off the brand, but is too far away globally or too fucking gaijin to be able to call up during Japan's workday and explain how they want the IP presented. Rule of thumb is anyone not affiliated with TPCi needs to do exactly as they say, TPCi can only do what TPC lets them and TPC can only do what fits with Game Freak's current outlook on the series and Game Freak can do whatever the fuck they like, they created it and continue to add to the universe. It's simple, when you understand the hierarchy reflects the chain of command of the series too - Game Freak stands above all, dictating through chain of command.