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639KiB, 1920x1812, chenuka-ratwatte-chenuka-ratwatte-dorugoramon-artstation-modified.jpg
Quoted By: >>47386489 >>47386884 >>47386980 >>47387247 >>47387280 >>47387296 >>47387304 >>47387318 >>47387868 >>47387949 >>47388088 >>47388254 >>47391097 >>47391795 >>47392595 >>47394733 >>47395774 >>47396204 >>47396213 >>47396331 >>47401668 >>47402848 >>47409796 >>47412423
The reason pokemon doesn't have competition is because none of the potential competitors ever invest into their competitive scene. Whether competitive pokemon is good or a joke, it is still some form of PvP. Pretty much every other gaming titan from fortnite to LoL has some competitive element in play which keeps normalfags coming back and pokemon has something similar. While competitive autists may make up a small fraction of the playerbase, they still act as free advertising for the game on platforms like youtube and twitch which allows the game to effectively market itself long after the actual marketing campaign has ended, creating a sustainable growth until the next installment. It also incentivizes investment as even if comp declines in quality, most comp autists have dedicated far too much time to it to just drop competitive pokemon altogether. This holds true for all PvP oriented games which is why they'll always have an audience. Hell, you can look at the only real competitor to pokemon which is Yugioh. The game has also been shit for years but people still spend billions on cards and duel links and the anime is always airing. If digimon, SMT, MHS, DQM, etc. ever want to approach success that comes anywhere near pokemon's, they're going to have to consider how they can implement PvP into their games.