>>47430756Then why isn't Mario Kart DS the best selling Mario Kart in history even though it is a Evergreen game?
Then why isn't Mario Galaxy the best selling Mario 3D game in history even though it is a Evergreen game?
Then why did Pokemon Diamond sell merely 17% more than Ruby instead of the rightful 40% it should've considering there were so many more NDSs already out in the wild compared to GBAs out around that same time frame?
Why isn't Super Mario Maker 2 greatly outselling Super Mario Maker 1?
Why did Pokemon LGPE outsell HGSS and every other past remake even though it came out at a time where less Switches were out in the wild than NDSs and GBAs during the time of FRLG and HGSS?
Active Install Base is not Install Base, and neither is a hardline factor of audience and marketing reach.
>>47430808SM + USUM objectively beats the sums of RS+E and DP+P and SwSh's entirety even though SwSh has had DLC instead of a third game that would cut it's legs like third versions always do.
And even then, all of these are moot points, because BW sold 15.64 million units, claiming that a hugely succesful game is a flop because it sold less than one million than the franchise's average is insanity. Franchises have had much larger variations and on games that no one claimed were flops. Would you call Gold Silver and RS both flops because both decreased heavily from the Pokemania numbers of Red and Blue? Would you call XY a flop because it failed to reach DP numbers? Will Gen 9 be a flop because it sells less than SwSh but still above average?