>>47498338>Are Chads born or are Chads made?Neither. Chads simply *are.* It doesn't matter how they got there, whether they were born naturally Chadlike or became so through hard work or life experience and acquired wisdom.
And a real Chad tries to bring the best out of others.
>>47499869Even ones like this who try to force their own definitions of "manhood" onto others, despite having no idea what "manhood" really is themselves, and trying to cover for it with a smokescreen of chestbeating and assertions that "that's how the world has always worked" and that anyone saying otherwise is just "coping."
The fact is -- you're just a baby and you haven't seen how complicated the real world is yet, or else you've hidden from that reality purposely. Either way, here's a little illumination for you;
Real men decide for themselves what it means to be a man -- they let nobody else decide it for them, nor do they decide it for anyone else. A real man gives everyone a measure of respect and basic decency - even those he doesn't agree with.
That's what it means to be a Chad.
You'll get there some day. I have faith in you.