>>47510812Good thing I play games with singles and doubles too :^) Unova, the games from a technical standpoint, are the ugliest looking Pokemon games to date (yes I’ve played the Switch and original GB games your jokes about their graphics are very funny and totally negate my argument) and unless a new visual medium is created and GF creates a game in said medium, there will never be a Pokemon game equally or more ugly to BW. The fact that you need a console the games were never released for in order to render it in a way that looks semi good speaks volumes to how awful looking these games are, especially playing them when they first came out, ESPECIALLY when they are follow ups to the previous ugliest Gen, Gen 4. The 3D-2D hybrids are just so ugly and off putting that they make the DS games notably more ugly than any primitive Gameboy graphics or subpar modern 3D graphics. Any wholly 3D or wholly 2D Pokemon game will always look better than Gen 4 and 5 because they tried and failed miserably at mixing the two, this ugliness is why people are saying BDSP look so ugly, they’re just remaking what they have to work with. Moving past visuals, the soundtrack is overhyped despite Gen 3, 4, 6, and 7 having far better soundtracks. Yeah Gen 5 has some of the best individual songs in the series but so does every game, as a whole the Unova soundtrack doesn’t hold a candle to standouts like Sinnoh or (Ultra) Alola. The games’ original Pokedex is the worst in the series, full of Chinese-looking knockoffs of Gen 1 mons, with the only remotely decent looking ones being the ones (gasp) not ripping off Kanto (Cofagrigus, Haxorus, Musharna, Scrafty). This garbage dex makes the original Black and White unplayable and makes the sequels jarring given how frequently you’ll see these half baked designs alongside classics. People say Gen 6 started Nu-designs, and those people have clearly blocked Gen 5 from their memory, because that is the start of Nu-Pokemon.