Pokemoncenter either teasing special delivery zard is dropping soon, or just straight up trolling not sure lol.
>>47521003I'm not who you're replying to but as an outside observer who also like japanese oldbacks let me respond as well
>can you read japanesedo I need to? it looks aesthetically more pleasing to my eyes than blocky english.
>tell me the pricewho gives a shit about prices as a collector? investorfag spotted
>do those have starlight foil or cosmos foilmost japanese oldbacks ive seen are cosmos, which is leagues better than starlight. swirls baby!
>did you grow up in jp or usa/eunot sure what your point is here, do you just not want to appreciate what other cultures have to offer? if so that's ignorant and you're missing out on all that tight jap pussy. more for me i guess..