it looks so fucking bad dude. I've waited a long time to re-experience Sinnoh and this is what they expect us to pay $60 for?
I was turned off by the reveal immidiately, and have only gotten more disgusted with time.
Thought back to D/P remakes at this point in the dragon quest event and shook my head. To be fair, Square is giving their devs an indefinite amount of time to work on the remake, whereas TPCI is trying to shove these remakes out the door for the 25th anniversary. And also, Japan reveres Dragon Quest 3 like it is a golden egg from God, and there would be hell to pay if they butchered it. I guess TPCI doesn't see DPPt as anything worth treating with respect. I like DQIII but pokemon is a very special RPG series and Platinum was a very special game.
I'm glad you aren't gonna buy it. I'm not going to either. We need to have standards, like dragon quest fans. So this doesn't happen again. It was fucking stupid and inept to hand this project over to mobile game devs. Amateurs here on /vp/ made better lighting and shadows and models in less than 24 hours after the trailer dropped.
WHY ARE THEY MAKING 1 to 1 DP REMAKES WHEN PLATINUM EXISTS ?? Man fuck this game. I'm with you bud.