XY were good games but were so unpolished and disappointing for 3DS games that introduced many irritating things like unexpresive and idle models for both characters and pokemon, long and dumb unskipable cutscenes, removed features from past games and made the game piss easy.
All of those problems got carried to ORAS, which is very sad because gen 3 was a good gen and deserved better remakes. So it's justified to feel angry at GF for what they did to ORAS. But at the same time, yes, both XY and ORAS were in my opinion enjoyable games.
Then came SM, USUM, LPGE (okay, it's just a shitty spin-off that I can tolerate) that worsened everything even more. Finally, came the abhorrent SWSH. From that point on, I lost any faith in Pokemon. Well, in GF at least.
So yeah, understandably every new installment makes you appreciate what was less shit than we have now, but was still at the moment somewhat shitty.