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Compfags are cancer

No.47550968 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Play a pokemon game like once a year for fun
>Sometimes come on this board to talk about it
>Everytime I mention that I so much as lost one pokemon in an in game battle some fucking compfag who's probably spent upwards of 500 hours just playing competitive matches comes along and calls me a shitter and goes on about how easy pokemon games are
>Every fucking time
It's unreal. It's like if lebron james came to your house while you were playing basketball outside and started calling you a shitter for not landing every shot. Not everyone on this board is obsessed with pokemon to the degree you compfags are, many of us don't play competitive at all cause we have actual lives and just occasionally play the games for fun. There's nothing wrong with playing competitive but when you flex on average players it doesn't make you seems cool or superior it just makes you look like a loser who has nothing else to be proud about so you need to get your joy from laughing at people who never had any intention of trying to reach your skill level (In fucking pokemon lmao) in the first place
Had to get this shit off my chest sorry