>>47579105I honestly don't think so. Some of this attached image is definitely over-reaching, but it is bizarre to me that, for example, Jupiter has Fire and Grass attacks, but does not have any Ice attacks.
She is found at the lake where the TM for Blizzard is located.
Saturn's Kadabra has Shock Wave in DP, but Kadabra and any electric coverage are removed in Platinum. (Is this because of the addition of Charon, and, implicitly, Rotom?)
Mars, for some reason, has none of the relevant elemental moves.
Changes to Cyrus' team from DP to Platinum goes from only Ice (the only type none of the three commanders were missing) to all except Grass. Why is Grass constantly coming up as a type to throw this all off?
>Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (草薙の剣) was originally called Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi (天叢雲剣, "Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds"), but its name was later changed to the more popular Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi ("Grass-Cutting Sword").(Is Kadabra a Heavenly Sword of Gathering [Thunder] Clouds, then replaced by the Grass-Cutting Sword of the Giga Drain Golbat, which like a lot of other things in this trinity seems to be in the wrong place (being used by Jupiter instead of Saturn)?)
I am, for example, probably reading too much into the position of Air Cutter in their Golbat's move slot order, but I do think I am on to something with things like the difference in their Bronzor's movesets. Jupiter and Mars are shown to actively dislike each other in dialog (mirroring their disagreement on whether Bronzor should run Reflect or Light Screen), whereas Saturn, who seems apathetic to both of them, runs neither screen.
I think many things are "in the wrong place" with this trio. I have been trying to make sense of why Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are named as such. I do not think it has anything to do with the Roman gods, though, and fell down this rabbithole.
I have had this random mess of a concept chart saved for a while and waited for a decent thread to post.