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Quoted By: >>47619744 >>47619838 >>47619844 >>47619933 >>47619944
I knew kids in school who insisted on pronouncing
>Mewtwo as Mew-twoe (pronounced like toe but with a w). This one sounds borderline unbelievable but I knew a kid who would get into heated arguments over this
>Growlithe as Growthee. This one was actually common to the extent that nearly every kid in my elementary school said it this way. Except for me because I watched anime
>Porygon as polygon. Don't know why. There's clearly a fucking "r" in there
>Farfetch'd was almost always referred to as Farfetch Dee
>Rattata as Rattatata. I still hear people using this one
>Zapdos as Zapados. Still hear this one occasionally as well
>Lieutenant Surge as El Tee Surge, like Lt Was his initials or something.
>Mewtwo as Mew-twoe (pronounced like toe but with a w). This one sounds borderline unbelievable but I knew a kid who would get into heated arguments over this
>Growlithe as Growthee. This one was actually common to the extent that nearly every kid in my elementary school said it this way. Except for me because I watched anime
>Porygon as polygon. Don't know why. There's clearly a fucking "r" in there
>Farfetch'd was almost always referred to as Farfetch Dee
>Rattata as Rattatata. I still hear people using this one
>Zapdos as Zapados. Still hear this one occasionally as well
>Lieutenant Surge as El Tee Surge, like Lt Was his initials or something.