>>47651796If we were just to judge based on the capability of the gym leaders/e4/champion, assuming they are the ones headed with strategizing and deploying the force, then Unova because it's the only region with a league that actively works against internal threats besides the champions of other regions (Lance, Cynthia, Steven, etc). Also, it has a pretty defendable environment: it's most populated city is only accessible either by water, a desert, or one long bridge which could be cut off. The entralink and nimbasa city are also pretty isolated, with rivers and mountains to the east and west.
As for other regions, Kanto is out of the picture
>team rocket easily establishes bases underground>team rocket takes over a major commercial center and holds hostages, no police force or league members bother to stop it, despite a powerful psychic and fighting dojo being in the same town>team rockets leader is a member of the leagueJohto has a sizable police force and Lance is active in combatting internal threats, so they could run a fair shot. Still not amazing, though.
Hoenn doesn't really have anything going for it other than fucky geography and a lack of infrastructure. Neither does Orre, it doesn't even have a league to defend it or many wild pokemon to catch and use.
Sinnoh isn't worth mentioning
Kalos has the most useless league, I don't think they do a single worthwhile thing. The main villain is friends with the champion and one of the e4 is a member of a domestic terrorist group that wants to destroy the region.