>>47683006They’re garbage games in my opinion. Absolutely nothing great or appealing about them, besides the fact that they’re Pokemon games. The graphics are extremely poor and uninspiring, the gameplay is stale, outdated and lacklustre, the story is moronic, boring and clearly aimed at toddlers, even the world is poorly designed, small, unexciting and uninteresting. The game lacks anything revolutionary too, despite being the first game on home consoles, something that you’d think would have inspired game freak to push the boundaries of the games, but nope, nothing. When compared to other games as well, of this generation and even previous generations, the games are just a joke and an embarrassment. They pale in comparison to many other game series’s. Like what is there to really like about the games or why would you choose to play them over anything else? If they didn’t have the Pokemon name they’d have zero interest from anyone and would have been panned by critics too. The only people that could possibly like these games are toddlers, due to how simple and mediocre they are. Though who knows, maybe that’s the target audience now.