>>47734132Kabuto, Omanyte, and Aerodactyl were awesome fossil pokemon that gave the theme a good start. I personally went Kabuto since Kabutops was much more interesting than Omanyte, but I don't dislike any of them.
Lileep and Anorith were great additions. They were weird, almost alien, and definitely stood out. I was more captivated by Anorith before I even knew what the hell it was supposed to be, and I love it even now. The first apex predator in history got some good love. That's not to say I don't like Lileep and Cradily, of course.
I wasn't initially too keen on Cranidos and Shieldon. Both were a bit too bland, but I liked the concepts. I prefer Bastiodon over Rampardos, but I'd prefer one of the prior fossils if given the option.
Tirtouga and Archen were nice new additions. Sea turtles are awesome, and Archen being a protoavian was a nice change from what we had. Archaeops has a questionable 3D model, but I still prefer that goofy thing over Caracosta. Again, like the first two batches, I like both.
Tyrunt and Amaura brought us two of the biggest dinosaurs in some fashion. I personally liked Auroros more than Tyrantrum, but it's a hard pick. Both are excellent in design.
Gen 8's four fossils just never clicked with me. Dracovish is the most interesting, but even still I'm not a fan of them at all.
Armaldo = Kabutops > Aerodactyl > Auroros > most of the others > Gen 8